Dear Loved Ones
Impossible, you say its impossible for you to connect. Its not! All you need to do is open up your real but listening ear, the one you work with when you just hear Spirit. Blockages in your body may come through and appear, but these can be worked upon and cleared. As can the heart, mind, the soul, and the consciousness of Spirit, when bound together by LOVE.
If we can work with setting aside our ways then so can you. The patterns in your conscious thoughts and mindset sweep aside the negative so that the energies of the light can step forward and illuminate your pathway into oblivion. Draw on the patterns and the energy potentials of bliss to transmute the old but negative feelings of fearful emotion that may uproot your energy, your beliefs and your personal power.
Loved One, we know you have been pining, pining for your soul family. They are around you, they see you prosper in leaps and bounds. They KNOW you believe in Spirit and the World, they know you exist and they can connect when the heart feels love and kindness that is not thrust upon them but given unto them. They come through with your hearts and minds, and visit you in your sacred space and dreams.
You know deep down inside that we have not forgotten you, we are indeed listening. We hear and feel and sense every word you say or have said, we are with you supporting you in every part of your journey. Your support is what means to us the most, clearance of your energies is vital to progress you and your self work and life’s pattern of clearing the residual energy.
Time will move on in your world, but it does not in ours. As we have no time, no setting, no sense of place. We are Spirit, our essence and energy will travel up from earth to the stars and back again, we are the sacred presence of the Universe, we are in every nook , cranny of the crystal world, and very much present and around you to this day.
We might not be written in these words, but loved ones, you can trust we are very much there and listening through the realm of Spirit and their World. As you form the bridge of love to connect, you form a bond between you and them, through your family and your loved ones, you can connect furthermore to those beyond your family and your friends.
We are not here to spread personal differences of opinion, we are here to illuminate the truth on your path. Many of us have justly said that were we ever to go back to life and living, we’d do things the same but differently. While there might be major fall outs, major disagreements, we know for sure that we can send out love and healing as and where it is needed, and that by doing so, we can lend a helping hand to spread the light, positivity, the joyfulness without the concept of ego getting in the way and influencing the work of Spirit and the Source.
The Source is known to many as to what it is and to many as to what it is not. The source is the heart of the universal light and the everlasting wave of energy that comes from it. The source is the heart of all things bathed in light, light within and light around. It is a high vibrational light that fills us all so that we are interconnected to the lives of many and those that we step up to the foray to help. Consciously at work with the light of Spirit, the Source is a part of the universe and also considered redeemable to that of the Angels and their healing work.
It was the Native American belief of Great Spirit that brought to mind the energies of the Source as the everlasting facet of Life, the ever lasting elixir of pure undiluted love born and reborn from the heart of the Universe……sought after healing energy on a very high vibrational level of energy awareness.
Truthfully, as I type through this medium, for I am known to man as another name, that the Source is the divine love that heals us all. Through the heart of many which we can find is the guidance from within our hearts and minds and on a conscious soul level, we know that we can use this renewed universal energy to heal on and be there for your peace of mind as much as ours. I am coming to the end of this message now, loved ones, but I will return….
AA Metatron