The power of rebirth by AA Zadkiel
Cunning times ahead, my friend, journeying anew. The power of rebirth is strikingly present for the way forward. Change and transformation are happening. Go carefully, my friend, exercise caution for the road ahead is filled with many challenges that may seek to usurp your step. When you are strong again, your heart is filled with the dreams and desires of what you want to do. Your heart will know best with how to proceed. Talk to us and work with us for we will help you.
There are many that call on us but don't actually ask for us to help. We are there to intercede where-ever you wish for us to intercede. As long as we have your permission to do so, we will step forward to help. The power of rebirth is a frightening journey for souls that are living a human existence. Send out LOVE to that fear, for it will indeed neutralise the fear in its tracks. Channelled messages are one unto many, but not many can hear them in a concise way.
This is your gift, to trust as you are trusting now, to incite the movement of change, which in turn can transform your energies into a positive spiel or positive snowball effect that won't happen over night, but in times of stagnant energy will happen as time marches on.
Dutifully, I as the third eye consciousness and the work of AA Uriel work together to bring this message over to you, its up to you to make change happen - free will and freedom of choice is indefinite for things in your life to work. Take the fighting chance not the flight in chance and stick around to make it work.
Change, healing energy of Mars that comes forward in a matter of days can have an impact on your lives, celestial healing at its finer moments, depending on the energies that YOU decide to work with. Look forward, not back, be at ONE with yourself and know you wisely. Change left right and centre will not happen, but will leave you feeling scattered.
Cut and sever the old ties as to what is holding you back. Go where your heart tells you to go to do the good work as to what is needed to make a difference in the world today. For its that good work which makes you Earth Angels. Exercise change in small steps and the encouragement is there so as to ensure that you will get to where you are going. Have faith and just believe, trust in yourself to get you there.
Godspeed, my friends, and illumination be with you at all times.
Ask for help; and it will be granted unto you!